
Since 1991 I have been licensed as a Radio Amateur ("HAM").

Because I'm currently living in a flat I'm handicapped in building large antennas. So I can only work in Packet Radio and take part in local FM rounds, most of the time on 70cm. Our preferred local frequency is 430.075 MHz, but sometimes I'm also QRV on our FM-repeaters in OE9:

  • OE9XVV on 438.825 MHz (shift -7.6)
  • OE9XVJ on 438.875 MHz (shift -7.6)
  • OE9XVI on 145.650 MHz (shift -0.6)

For more information about our hamradio network in OE9 have a look at the OE9-Web-Site [German content].

By the way - this is my QSL-Card:

Please note:
QSL via bureau is not possible. I'm no longer a member of the Austrian HAM Radio Club (OEVSV) because I do not share most of the aims and opinions of that club anymore. So I decided to quit membership by the end of 2003.

If you want to exchange cards please use the postal address from my card above (only after QSO and agreement).