Roger Beep

I have been developing my "Roger Beep"-Controller for quite a while now. In April 2010 I published Version 2.0 in the German "Funkamateur" magazine. At that moment the actual version of the software was "2.0.628.1750", a special edition for that purpose.

There is a ZIP-file containing the documentation (in fact my German manuscript for the article), a schema and board file in 300 dpi PNG-format, the source code and a ready-to-use HEX-file. I fixed one minor bug in the source and HEX since publishing this version in the Funkamateur magazine: shorts pulses on the paddle-lines or the beep-select lines (pins RB4...RB7) would have left to short activations of the PTT_out line.

The HEX file is built for use with a 16F628A, but you may use a 16F627A instead without changes. Also a 16F648A should work although I didn't test it.

The evolution to "3.0":

In the meantime a HAM mate from Vienna introduced me to "Quindar Tones". I've always been thinking that the beeps in the Apollo communication recordings were roger beeps - how wrong I was! Surely this was a feature to implement in a multi-purpose "Roger Beep"-Controller and I started coding.

Finally I remembered another project of mine: the "ZVEI Encoder", a little device to send "Selcall" tones. Although never released and mainly developed for a friend from Italy the code was there and about 90% finished - ZVEI1 encoding already worked. So I decided to merge the two projects and code-bases into one single "Roger Beep Monster" :-) ... and here it is!


  • user-selectable roger beeps (beep, R, K, ?; others by re-programming)
  • Iambic paddle support for TRX tuning or CW operation
  • 1750 Hz ("Ruf I") and 2135 Hz ("Ruf II") calling tones for repeaters etc.
  • optional "Quindar Tones" at the beginning (2525 Hz) and end (2475 Hz) of transmission
  • optional "Selcall Tones" at the beginning (ZVEI1/2/3, CCIR, EEA standards; C major scale "C-DUR" for composing songs)

Quite a lot new features, I think ... so I decided to step up the version number to 3.0 :-D ...

At the moment I can only provide a German PDF file including the hole documentation and a ZIP-File containing the HEX-File and images with higher resolution beside the PDF. I am working on an English translation but I'm note quite finished with it, so please use Google's "Language Tools" or similar if you really need to understand the whole text, but I strongly suppose you will succeed using the pics and tables provided in the PDF even if you don't understand a single German word. In case of emergency drop me a mail ... :-D

This is how my prototype looks like ... it has been in heavy development usage over the years and isn't as shiny and new as it should be but you might be interested in a quick look anyway - click on the image to enlarge it:

Have fun with it!

Update on 2020-04-22: Some people asked me for a copy of the source code. The above ZIP now contains the ASM file, too. You may use this source code for non-profit HAM Radio applications without further notice. For a commercial use license please contact me.